Corgentum Advantage
Our top priority is to help investors to make better informed decisions by providing them with the industry's most comprehensive operational due diligence reviews.
Independent - Corgentum avoids conflicts of interest by performing work for investors, not fund managers.
Focused - Deep dive operational due diligence is all we do. This sole focus allows us to remain current with operational trends and avoid the conflicts of interests of providing both operational and investment advice.
Experienced - Corgentum's consultants and resource network average over a decade of direct hedge fund and operational due diligence experience.
Customized - We understand that each fund manager and strategy presents unique operational risks. Corgentum's operational due diligence review process is flexible and customized to vet the specific operational risks associated with each manager and strategy.
Institutional Quality - Corgentum’s comprehensive due diligence framework encompasses a diverse cross-section of fund operational risks. Our process is not slanted towards any one operational area such as accounting or compliance. We find our clients are best served by casting a broad net and vetting a wide variety of potential operational risk exposures.